Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Heaven In A Tuba Box

Oh man, I don't usually write in here more than once a day but this is what intelligent people with large, flowing vocabularies call an "extenuating circumstance." However, my vocabulary is not quite as immense so I'm just going to call it "weird."

Anyway, when last we spoke I was going to go get some nachos from the food place and as it turns out, I did. On the way, though, I took a detour through heaven on earth. Now usually people see heaven as a place full of shiny-ness and cloud things and people with little wings and white pantsuits. While that is close to the truth, it's not quite right. It just so happens that heaven is a giant box in which a tuba was shipped but which has had the tuba removed and now all that remains is an ocean of packing peanuts.

Needless to say, I swam in these packing peanuts. The box must have been five to six feet long and two to three feet deep. It was incredible. The box was filled to the brim with packing peanuts and I swam and swam and swam. Eventually, someone came by and told me to stop. I think it was a music professor.

I just thought I'd let you guys know.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I hope this is a true story bc if it is, then its funny as hell. The best part is when the professor guy told you to stop...lol.

    I do dance a little jig more often then you could ever imagine. I sometimes combine these little jigs with songs in my head. Im something like a walking jig.

  2. Yes, of course! The best thing about my blog is that everything is absolutely true. Occasionally I will embellish or fantasize, but every entry is based on something that actually happened in reality.

    In this case, yes, I swam in packing peanuts.


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