Sunday, June 04, 2006

Just A Nobody Blogger's Way Of Stickin' It To The Man

Ladies and gentleman, history has been made tonight. If you will kindly look to your right you will see a little Rent My Blog box. If you know anything about renting blogs you probably know that more often than not this whole charade involves shitty little blog owners attempting to latch onto popular blogs in a futile attempt to gain more traffic to their pitiful little sites.

But not here, my friends! Oh no, in this case, the opposite is true. I, the owner of said shitty little blog, am renting my space out to this fantastically popular site called The Fifth Column.

So if you've got even an ounce of brains you'll visit The Fifth Column and help take down the Blogger Establishment one digital brick at a time.

If you're not into the whole "social upheaval" sort of thing, you should visit these guys anyway because, honestly, their blog is funny as shit.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 AM

    After that kind of intro, it is we who are not worthy.




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