Thursday, September 13, 2007

Acoustical Sightings

The title of this entry is an oxymoron which have been successful in drawing your attention towards my ramblings of the day. Even now, my inappropriate conjugation of the verb "to have" has pulled you deeper and deeper into my sticky web of shibboleths (no, that's actually a real word).

But whatever.

Now that we're on the subject of excellent movies (see previous post, Arnold and Me), I'd like to draw everyone's attention to some recent sightings around campus that have gotten me quite giddy.

While out on a stroll, you may be lucky enough to come across a man playing his guitar. His specific location on campus seems to be highly variable, but I implore you to consider looking both high and low in your quest to find him. The search itself is not unlike "Where's Waldo?" except much, much easier because you'll be able to hear him if you're close. Also, you've got it pretty easy because he doesn't have a tendency to hide out at large conventions which span the temporal spectrum from the prehistoric to the metallic future, and where people stand very close together and wear curiously similar red and white striped shirts which, I can only imagine, is utterly "coincidental." The man has, however, been known to hide out among bushes, in trees, or upon some Allegheny art, which are all sanctuaries eerily similar to those of the guitar guy in "There's Something About Mary."

Happy searching.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    1) I miss the guitar guy. We never see him anymore.

    2) Write in your blog!


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