Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"And they shall go and live there, and he shall teach them the way..."

I climbed the Washington Monument today. Of course, when I say "climbed" I really mean "took the elevator up". Most people go up there because they're tourists and they want to see a really sweet view of the city from way up there but I went to the top merely to escape the heat (and this homeless lady who I swear was following me while licking her lips).

When I got to the top it was packed full of tourists with their cameras shoving each other around to get to a window so they could peer out. One window looks over the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial and when I was over there I overheard this lady giving her son this really heartwarming description about why the Reflecting Pool is called the Reflecting Pool. She said all this stuff about how it's where you can go and think back on all the people who have given their lives in order to uphold our ideals and to ponder the nature of freedom and liberty and how all of this makes our country super-fantastic and all that. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have interjected but I did. I told the lady that what she was saying was very nice and I was glad she was teaching her son about our nation but that she was completely wrong about the Reflecting Pool because the reason it's called the Reflecting Pool is because it "reflects" the image of the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument like a mirror. She walked away sort of disappointed but I'm sure that inside she was glad I had straightened her out.

I enjoy helping people.

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